Wine O' Clock Advent Calendar
Wine O' Clock Advent Calendar
Tick Tock its Wine o’ Clock! Get ready to indulge in the perfect gift for wine lovers everywhere. Our fun and quirky fully working clocks are not only a stylish addition to any space, but they also come with a refillable advent calendar. Whether it's morning, afternoon, or evening, this wine advent calendar is the ultimate treat for those who appreciate a little sip of joy throughout the day. Cheers to endless wine-filled surprises!
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Discover the contents of the Wine O Clock Advent Calendar 2023 in the "CALENDAR CONTAINS" tab. The value of the contents of this calendar is not disclosed.
The Wine O' Clock Advent Calendar Contains
Introducing the 2020 Wine O' Clock Advent Calendar! This calendar includes a delightful selection of wines to enjoy throughout the holiday season. Each calendar includes the following 187ml bottles: Altaria Merlot, Founders Stone Shiraz, Terramater Cabernet Sauvignon, McGuigan Black label Shiraz, Waters Edge Merlot, Orario Pinot Grigio, Altaria Sauvignon Blanc, Founders Stone Chardonnay, Water Edge Sauvignon Blanc, Johan Binn Libfraumilch, Pink Fox White Zinfandel, and Waters Edge White Zinfandel. Please note that the content value of this advent calendar has not been disclosed. Get ready to savor the flavors of these exquisite wines as you count down to the holidays!